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AMY'S HoMePaGe!!!!
THANKS for taking your time to visit my first ever homepage!!!!! :)))
Just click on any of the links below to
find the information you are after!! I have also included a page
which is about myself and my friends. Maybe I'll get some photo's
up soon so please come back freqeuntly.
AMY'S PoKeMoN Homepage - just starting at the moment, but it pretty good!!
AMY'S Personal Homepage - myself, friends, and some cool pics!!
A SailorMoon Page designed by ME!!! :))) - just starting this one as well, you can take a look though!!
Alex's homepage - this is really cool, so please visit it!!
Tetrinet - here you can downlaod a fun game and find out some great links to get some tips!!
If you have any other questions, you can either email me, or just leave a message in my guestbook!!!